the hierarchy




According to
the hierarchy, Souls is not a role model for Ronaldo. But on the ground, the situation of Seoul and Ronaldo is like that of a low-quality supervisor and a foreman. Ronaldo is definitely more powerful. It is also practical. This is a big problem for Seoul if they can't control Ronaldo. Another thing to think about is that Ronaldo has the intelligence to understand these situations. He drew the team. It is possible that he did not dare to sit in the backseat rather than explode because he could not score. Ronaldo could not have felt this situation more than he wanted to pollute Souls. The transfer market this season has been a tumultuous one for both Messi and Ronaldo. Both have switched to the world's most prestigious clubs. However, Messi was criticized by PSG for ruining his position. At the same time, there have been criticisms that Ronaldo has disrupted United. As I said, I do not want to divide by victory. As soon as the desire to continue to seek success and the inevitable situation confronts. They can lose. It is still in a winning position. The clash between Guardiola and Guardiola is, in my opinion, the most tumultuous in Premier League history. It is the strongest and most exciting race. Ferguson Vs Wenger Ferguson Vs Mourinho Mourinho vs. Benitez More than any other competition. They both always play for victory. They always play attractive football. Both teams try to attack in different ways. The results of their confrontation were not much different. As a result, the club is a little bit smaller. In terms of goal difference, Guardiola is the only one. And both teams can expect to win the Premier League title. This match is also based on the first half. The second part was interesting in the second part. They test each other's endurance. High blood pressure Then they look for weaknesses. They tried to do their best work. Ederson's Pass is Insane. Ellison's Tackle deserves the same praise. The two Brazil goalkeepers had some amazing moments. City dominated the match within 15 minutes of the first half. "Liverpool have been able to overcome this situation and show their character. And then they tried to beat each other. And then the draw. That's what the team is all about. I no longer want to give tactical reviews. It's a self-employed game and it's a little different, as Liverpool's pressing was broken by Manchester City midfielders and defenders. Some of the moments were really good to watch, In some cases, it was able to carry forward with great explosive force. As an individual, I have something to say. Especially Mossala. "Currently, there is no player in Europe who can play better than Mossala," Carragher said. Guardiola has hailed Moyes as the Premier League's best winger since his arrival and is currently the best player in the world. Alan Shearer Experts from the English football community, including Gary Neville, praised him. In fact, Mossala's style of play deserves all the praise. He has the speed, know how, An exhibition was held that combines balance and endurance. He scored from the start of the game when three City players were on their knees and on the pitch. In the attacking third zone, Mossala's right wing is Liverpool's strongest weapon this season. Throughout the season, the average of the right half was 42%, while the left half and midfield were only 58%. This shows how important Mossala is in Liverpool's attack. In the game against Manchester City, Mossala was even scarier. The attacking midfield and left side accounted for only 48 percent, while Mossala's right-back zone accounted for 52 percent. Mane scored the only goal of the game for Liverpool at the start of Mossala. The way he deceived Kansello did not come out of the grass. Mane beautifully shows the runway. He moved into the attacking zone from the left, and Jota, who played as a striker, split into the left. I really like this kind of movement in football. Take some time to decide on your teammate. I think the essence of the ball is highlighted by the movement to help make it a little more space to move. Messi's first goal for PSG showed Hakimi running. It's good to see how Bar နာa split for Harvard in the Champions League final. In this goal, Mane led the way to the goal-scoring zone. Mossala made the cut and Mane finished. Mossala's second goal was to get around the zone. It's his usual job. Every action is heartbreaking. This time it was done again. This goal deserves to be the winning goal.