

Arts and Entertainment: Philosophy Article Category
The Genetic Method: How To Be Human
by Joshua Clayton
Reality is a thought and action controlled phenomenon. Without mincing words, I begin this article.
My Advice: Satisfy Yourself
by Joshua Clayton
Do what satisfies you in this life with its limited time, and I mean that advice even if immortality is real for you, for the next moment is never promised except by productive, life giving actions. With that said, I begin this article.
Honesty And Objectivity (H & O)
by Joshua Clayton
There are not any higher values than honesty and objectivity in life for they lead to the grandfather of them both: Integrity. With that said, I plow on through this article with a full understanding of what causes genuine virtue to happen, and the core of all scandals. 

The core of all scandals is subjective God-playing judgements and dishonesty with yourself about what is really going on.
Say Yes! Be Positive! Be Strong!
by Joshua Clayton
I wanted the title to be an attention getting device. So, I said the most obvious attention getting advice in life: Say yes, be positive, be strong!
The Training For Those Who Love To Win
by Joshua Clayton
Played by actors William Shatner and Christopher Pine, Captain James Tiberius Kirk in the Star Trek show and movies once admitted that he got creative and cheated on his command exam called the Kobayashi Maru test because he hated to lose more than anything. Well, if you genuinely do not want to lose, I can only give this advice: Cheat honestly and productively in the most creative and beneficial way possible. 

What do I mean by that?
The Nuke!
by Joshua Clayton
Sometimes, I feel this way: Let us blow everything up and start over in some other universe. Nuclear explosion? All-encompassing biological weapon? Whatever most destructive we can do? Well, I did not say I am this way, though. I just meant sometimes I get so frustrated that I feel this way. Now to the body of the article:
In The Mind
by Joshua Clayton
All is mind, everything is a matrix. As soon as we all realize that, all life is more controllable and works in a more realistic way. Indeed, fatalism and fear is always a weakness, but, I am not going to say do not be careful with your life or overly cavalier with your life, either.
What Lies Beyond?
by Joshua Clayton
It is quite simple, energy begets energy and never dies, it just changes. When I think of the word valence, it is quite descriptive of my philosophy about "what lies beyond".

 All that is, is change; to semi-quote The Kybalion.
The Game Of Blame
by Joshua Clayton
Everybody with problems would like to pawn them off on someone else when they are hard to handle. That is human nature. Growth and understanding being what it is, solutions feel better than problems.
What Does Life Mean?
by Joshua Clayton
A properly lived life means business, an improperly lived life puts it off and plays too much/procrastination on the useless. Please note, although the first definition of life is shorter and the latter definition longer, this article is about the first definition of life meaning business.
The Problem for Mainstream Physicalism
by Kristen Claire Jones
1. We look at the world as physical or material, but we are not perceiving reality as it actually is.

 Why is this? We have evolved through a process of natural selection to survive. Our intuition is that the mind is like a camera or a window that faithfully shows us the world we are looking out on
Over the Abyss
by Mike Hill
It has to be said that the official end of my working life is all but upon me. Now aged 64 I have only a few short months until I qualify for my pension.
Flowing Words Glow When Stated in Sincerity and Achieve Great Writing Goals to Serve Humanity
by Lorie Ann Jermoune
***You can impact the world by sharing knowledge and information that's ignited by attentive action placed from paper to pen. Pen flowing, sincere, heartfelt words, and phrases to aid your fellow countrymen, even beyond your own borders. Sharing your ease of speaking or writing can be utilized to guide, speak, direct, or teach, or to communicate effectively. Effective communication is key to sharing and caring about your friends and family and humanity with intensity and to aid humanity by putting a voice in your writing. Speak about the needs of other nations to live on an equal economy as yours.